MemBioMed selected by Erasmus +: international training in membrane biology

  • Education
  • International
  • Research
Published on July 26, 2024 Updated on July 26, 2024

on the July 24, 2024

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The MemBioMed project has been selected by the Erasmus+ program as part of the EMJM 2024 (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters) call for proposals. This new 2-year international master's program offers a high-quality, fully integrated training program focusing on multidisciplinary research in membrane biology.

A project supported by Université Côte d'Azur

The MemBioMed project is supported by Université Côte d'Azur and coordinated by Delphine Bichet, researcher at CNRS, Romain Gautier, teacher-researcher at Université Côte d'Azur, and Clémence Benoit, international project manager at EUR LIFE. It is run jointly by a consortium of three European higher education establishments: Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA), University of Genoa (UNiGe) and University of Osnabrück (UOS), and supported by leading research centers (IPMC-CNRS, NSYNC-IIT, CellNanOs) as well as an extensive renetwork of associated partners (academic institutions, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals). The allocated budget is 3,844,800 euros for a 6-year period (2024-2030), corresponding to 4 Master's cohorts.

Training organization

The MemBioMed program trains future scientists and entrepreneurs specializing in cell membranes for biomedicine, neuroscience and nanotechnology. The aim is to select 20 outstanding international students each year (some of whom will be awarded scholarships via a selection process) to join this master's program. The program is structured as follows:
  • first semester in France,
  • the second semester in Italy
  • the third semester in Germany, with a research placement at one of the three universities or with one of the associated partners.
The first cohort is due to start in September 2025, but the selection procedure will begin in autumn 2024 via the program website.

Visit the MemBioMed program website