Published on January 15, 2025–Updated on January 17, 2025
on the January 15, 2025
Campus Ecovalley
inaug inphyni
The new building was inaugurated on Wednesday January 15, 2025 in the heart of the Nice Meridia technology park, in the presence of the main project sponsors and financiers. A leading center for physics research, this joint Université Côte d'Azur - CNRS research unit houses more than 170 researchers in a building that is exemplary in technical, energy and environmental terms.
The Institut de Physique de Nice is a place where fundamental research meets practical applications. From photonics to quantum physics, fluidics to complex materials, the work of 171 researchers is aimed at better understanding the world around us and meeting the needs of society.
Research topics range from photonics and quantum physics to fluidics.
For example, INPHYNI researchers are exploiting the quantum properties of light to measure the size of stars more accurately, to make telecommunications absolutely secure, and to accelerate high-performance calculations.
They also exploit nanotechnologies in fluids to promote the circulation of drugs in the blood, or aggregate waste particles to facilitate recycling.
The excellence of this research is attested both by the awards regularly bestowed on INPHYNI researchers and by the ranking of Nice physics in the Shanghai university rankings: Université Côte d'Azur is ranked among the top 200 institutions in physics.
Inphyni in key figures
INPHYNI has a staff of 171:
47 teacher-researchers,
34 researchers,
29 engineers, technicians and administrators,
44 PhD students, with around ten new PhDs supporting their thesis each year.
The laboratory is under the joint supervision of Université Côte d'Azur and CNRS (Institut National de Physique and Institut des sciences de l'ingénierie et des systèmes).
The inauguration of the Institut de Physique de Nice marks an important milestone in the history of our laboratory. The building reflects our ambition to provide a working environment that is adapted to current and future scientific challenges, while promoting exchanges and collaborations. Our research is part of an international dynamic, supported by collaborations with prestigious institutes and industrial partnerships. Every member of our community - researchers, teacher-researchers, PhD students, engineers and technicians - contributes to the richness and diversity of these projects. This new building gives us the means to pursue these ambitions in a setting conducive to innovation. Guillaume Huyet, Director of the Institut de Physique de Nice