Launch of the "Science Avec et Pour la Société" Science Azur project

  • Research
  • Science and society
  • Innovation
Published on February 26, 2025 Updated on February 26, 2025

from February 3, 2025 to August 4, 2025

On January 31, 2025, the kick-off of the Science Azur project took place in the Grand Château theater on the Valrose campus. This official launch brought together the project's co-sponsors and partners, bringing together a wide network of players to promote dialogue between science and society.

On January 31, 2025, the Science Azur project was officially launched at a kick-off event in the theater on the Valrose campus. The event brought together the project's co-sponsors and partners, bringing together a wide network of players involved in joint actions to promote dialogue between science and society.

United by a common SAPS strategy, Université Côte d'Azur and the Côte d'Azur research establishments have the ambition and the ethical and moral responsibility to respond to today's challenges:

  • enabling society to discover, understand and contribute to science and research projects carried out in the region;
  • provide access for all to fundamental and new scientific knowledge;
  • to share methods of logical and reasoned reasoning, so as to enable everyone to form an opinion based on knowledge and appreciation of scientific facts, and to be in a position to make informed decisions in line with societal developments.

The Science Azur project, co-sponsored by the nine research establishments on the Côte d'Azur, brings together in its network a multitude of educational partners, associations, museums and local authorities.

It thus affirms a common desire to structure and coordinate SAPS (Science Avec et Pour la Société) actions in the Alpes-Maritimes region.

Please find attached a PDF containing photos of the event, capturing the key moments of the kick-off and the commitment of all participants:

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The event was well attended, testifying to the collective will to collaborate and develop concrete actions around the dialogue between science and society. The morning was devoted to the presentation of the actions implemented within the framework of this label. The afternoon, devoted to collaborative workshops, enabled the various players to compare their ideas on specific themes and explore possible courses of action.

The main thrusts of Science Azur are :

  • Scientific mediation actions to be strengthened and developed
  • Participatory science and research initiatives
  • Science and society training for professionals
  • Greater visibility and legibility for SAPS initiatives
  • Qualitative assessment of actions carried out

We would like to thank our partners and all those who have supported us throughout this project.