UDICE "The university must remain a place of enlightened debate to defend freedoms"

  • Institutional
Published on May 17, 2024 Updated on May 17, 2024

on the April 19, 2024


Udice, the alliance of France's 10 leading research universities, has issued a press release reaffirming its commitment to the fundamental values of the university: debate informed by research and the state of the art, academic freedom and freedom of expression: "The university must remain a place of informed debate to defend freedoms".

The university must be a place of dialogue, respect, collective intelligence and creativity. It must defend individual freedoms, guarantee freedom of research and opinion, and offer a space for reflection and the construction of knowledge open to all. The polemics surrounding the debates taking place within French universities and schools, particularly those concerning the international geopolitical situation, give cause for deep concern, both in terms of their virulence and the excesses they engender.

First and foremost, we strongly reaffirm our determination to relentlessly combat all forms of hatred, racism and anti-Semitism in our establishments.

As research-intensive universities, we strongly reiterate that debate is consubstantial with the university, basing it on the very essence of the scientific process to restore the conditions worthy of the elaboration of knowledge. The culture of debate is nothing less than vital to our mission of teaching, research and the dissemination of knowledge.

We are fully committed to rigorously enforcing the principles of the French Education Code, which stipulates that " the public service of higher education is secular and independent of any political party". is secular and independent of any political, economic, religious or ideological influence; it strives for the objectivity of knowledge; it respects the diversity of opinions. It must guarantee that teaching and research can freely develop scientifically, creatively and critically (L 141-6). ". It thus defines the academic freedom recognized as a fundamental principle by the laws of the Republic, to which we are firmly attached.

Universities must be places for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, informed by research. Debate is also inherent to the training of students, to research and to the dissemination of knowledge in society; imposed silence would be a betrayal of the very mission of the university.

Constructive debate, the kind that advances knowledge, must be based on respect, the right and the need for everyone to express themselves. It cannot be confused with polemics, invective, militancy and ideology, which have no place on our campuses. Rigorous analysis, listening to points of view, courageous confrontation and disagreement are essential. Research and scientific insight feed this debate and lift it above partisan and militant visions.

The university must be a place of dialogue, respect, collective intelligence and creativity. It must defend individual freedoms, guarantee freedom of research and opinion, and offer a space for reflection and the construction of knowledge open to all.

We therefore reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the fundamental values of the university: debate informed by research and the state of knowledge, academic freedom and freedom of expression. These values are essential to building a free, open and democratic society.